An Open Letter
25th February 2019
Neil McCann
Auckland NZ
Since it is becoming very obvious that the
Potters House is going to continue trying to disrupt and destroy our church here
in Auckland through their continual undermining of myself and my wife, their unrelenting
harassment and bombarding of our people via emails, text and calls, and that
they are now viewing us (their fellow believers) as the enemy.
Please consider the following;
1/ Daniel Stephan and Daniel
I find it sadly amusing that for years now these
two men have both constantly cried on my shoulder about the culture of fear,
the horrid mistreatment, and the spiritual abuse that they have both received
at the hands of their Pastor Daryl Elliott, who they have both nicknamed ‘the
I also find it amusing that only two days
previous to my announcement to disassociate they took me for breakfast and
thanked me for being such a great leader, telling me they both owed much of
their success to my input, the countless impact teams, men’s discipleship’s and
the example of the central church.
Daniel Stephan; need I remind you of when
you called me from Melbourne Airport (after the Melbourne conference),
crying, telling me how you felt your ministry was over because Ps
Elliott had taken you into his office and humiliated you, threatened you, and literally
screamed abuse into your face regarding your sermon. (which he said,
made him look bad)?
Or, how after the last Melbourne conference
complained to me again because you were hauled into the office and told
to tell your guys from Onehunga to stop being so excited and to stop swaying
in the song service, as it was disruptive and distracting to others?
How you have on numerous occasions shared
your concerns
about how dead the Footscray church is, and how people are leaving, and
that many disciples were just playing the game to get sent out?
On two occasions Daniel, you had a
potential church split on your hands. On one occasion 20 people turned up at my
church to meet with me concerning your immature, arrogant and controlling
Did I take advantage of these people and
try and get them into my church? No, I encouraged them to give you another
chance and sent them back.
I should also mention that your Pastor, Daryl Elliott, at the time was encouraging me to actually take these
people in, to teach you a lesson. Should I continue!?
Daniel, I was Pastoring in the Potters House
Fellowship before you were even born. I have
watched so many young Pastors and disciples like yourself get sucked into what
you are now doing. I am genuinely saddened to watch you selling out your
integrity for the sake of advancement and power.
Daniel Anderson; do you not remember telling me how
when you were evangelizing out of Footscray that you appealed to Pastor
Elliott to be able to bring your wife and children to NZ for Christmas and
spend Christmas day with your mum and dad for the first time ever, and
how you were refused permission and told by Ps Elliot, “well, one more
Christmas won’t hurt you Daniel”?
Or when you asked if you could take your
son Vance with you on a one off, fill in, preaching engagement for a local church
on a Sunday evening service on his birthday, “for a special time with
dad”, and you were refused, and Vance was heartbroken, because Daryl Elliot was more concerned
with the numbers on his Gold sheet, and said, “don’t make me the bad guy
Daniel, you know the rules”?
Or, how Daryl Elliott “made you feel sick”
by sending you a flyer via email with a picture of himself alongside Ps
Mitchell, and saying to you (as you were speaking to him on the phone) “Daniel, don’t tell anyone, but this is my
dream, to be on the same flyer as Ps Mitchell”.
Or, how Daryl has lied numerous times to
you and fellow Footscray pastors. You have even quoted secret recordings of Daryl
Elliot doing so. Should I continue!?
The list of abuse is incredible, and not to
these two Pastors only, but the many stories they have told me of the violations
that are taking place to the poor people in the Footscray church itself.
encouraging these two men over and over to stand up for themselves and confront
Daryl Elliot they have both refused because of the culture of fear and the real
threat of losing their churches.
2/ It has also come to my attention
that the fellowship has started a new version of the ‘Potters House Central’
Church in our old meeting place at Alexandra Park.
Seriously! They have literally overnight,
set up a brand-new website using all of our colours and the redesigned logos
that we created.
They are calling everyone to come over and
join them.
They have gathered all the churches
together to outreach at our regular outreach corner in the city.
Putting out advertising ‘Taking BACK the
land’. (because of course we are the
enemy now and they need to get the land back!)
They are even calling people in our church
and asking for the names of backsliders so they can contact them.
Next, it will be to call in some big-name preachers
to do revivals, plant churches into Auckland out of the Perth conference, tell
everyone to cut off relationship with anyone that does not join their
madness… everyone knows the drill by now.
Such predictable Potters House tactics to pull as many
people out of my church as possible, using the usual carnal strategy to
destabilize and destroy another church.
3/ It has also come to my attention that
they have appointed Pastor Daniel
Anderson as the new pastor.
find attached whatsapp messages of some conversations with Pastor
Anderson after I
disassociated from the Potters House.
I think it will give you a true measure as to the
depth of this man’s character.
As you read through the messages you
will see that;
a) Ps Anderson calls
the Potters House a Cult
b) He Bad-mouths
Ps Daniel Stephan numerous times calling him a plonker, arrogant and
prideful, accusing ‘him’ of taking advantage of my disassociation by
calling himself ‘central’ (which he himself has now done, funnily
c) He then ends
with telling me he is my friend and “let’s catch up for coffee”.
It is amazing how quickly people can change
their tune about you when the offer of financial support and backing from
Beechboro or Prescott are suddenly in the picture (especially since after two
years his Papakura church is pretty much a non-event)
Now his friend is a ‘rebel’, and we need to get the
land back!
It was only two months ago, after running off yet another bunch of new people, Daniel
Anderson was crying uncontrollably, literally, and told me he had nothing left
in the tank and was about to quit, and I had to encourage him to actually try
again in another location.
For those considering actually making a decision to
join this new church, ask yourself, do you think this shallow kind of behaviour
is the kind of behaviour you want to model your life on?
Yes, of course I will be blamed for seeding
these poor weak helpless men, filing them with my rebellion, working
witchcraft, bringing them under my spell…
Again, more predictable potters house
tactics to divert attention from the real issues. Just blame the rebel!
4/ To my good friend Rob Walsh
Rob, I think you need to look at yourself in the
mirror and ask yourself what you have become.
1) After I announced my disassociation, you came over to NZ within
hours and held meetings with everyone you possibly could from my church, and
any other church who would listen to you.
You then deceived many of them when asked about the
extra biblical standards of the Potters House.
a) when asked about weddings, and the bridal party
walking down the aisle, you said, “of course they
walk down the aisle, how do they get from the carpark to the front of the church
if they don’t walk down the aisle”.
Rob you knew
exactly what these people were asking and you deceived them. You know for a fact that the ‘typical’ Potters House wedding does not pause
the service and allow the bridesmaids and the bride to walk down the aisle at
No, the
bridesmaids must get up at 4am in the morning to get all dressed up, get their
hair and make-up done, to then sit on the front row from the start of the
service. The bride then comes in and walks down the aisle, unannounced, during
the last worship song of the normal service, and takes her seat at the front.
Then she sits there the whole service through announcements, offering and
sermon. Then ‘tagged on the end’, is the wedding ceremony.
Rob why don’t
you just be honest and just admit that its weird and stop calling it a ‘Jesus
people wedding’, it is anything but a Jesus
people wedding.
It has been a
point of contention for years and caused so many brides and families so
much heartache and problems, and you know it!
b> You also know for a fact, that in the ‘typical’
Potters House church, that no facial hair, is a ‘standard for ministry’, and for anyone in ministry to grow a beard it is considered a sign
of rebellion.
Rob, be honest,
what would happen if you turned up to conference this week with facial hair and
decided to not wear a tie?!
The whole
conference body would be talking about it, and you would be hauled in the
office and challenged. Its ridiculous, and again without any scriptural basis.
c> You also know that in a ‘typical’ Potters House
church, if you are in ministry, you are not allowed to miss more than one
Sunday from church. Even if it’s for a family vacation.
Two years ago, your own son came to Auckland and attended our conference, he
also wanted to take a holiday. I find it so sad that he and his wife were
forced to fly home to Sydney for Sunday and then fly back to Auckland again
Monday to continue their holiday so they would not lose their ministry.
Are you guys for real?!
And on and on and on the list of extra biblical
nonsense goes…
2) You told people I was a rebel.
I remind you; for several years now, when
together, we have both spoken openly about Tom Payne’s abusive behaviour.
It was only last October 2018 when I was preaching for you in Sydney that we
sat down at a café around the corner from your house, across from the park, and
discussed the dire Australian scene under
Tom Payne’s leadership over the last ten years.
We were in mutual agreement that Tom Payne was unfit
to lead Australia.
We discussed his lack of fruitfulness,
planting out only pastors’ kids and church kids, his sociopathic and
controlling tendencies, as well as his total lack of wisdom in
dealing with situations like the Malaysia debacle where he caused a church
split in KK over not allowing a disciple from Brisbane to marry a girl from
crime? They met on an impact team, ‘and
that’s not allowed to happen’ in the Potters House. Sadly, Pastor George Ouma
was blamed and accused of being ‘complicit’ and disciplined over it, and his
punishment was that he was not allowed to preach outside his own church for a
year. Need I say ‘control’?
We also discussed the fact that Tom Payne had openly
been critical of Harold Warner, and How Chris
Plummer, while he was Tom Payne’s assistant, after undermining Harold
Warner to Sydney Pastors, then had to call several pastors in Sydney to
apologize, for doing the same thing he had learned from his Pastor.
You also complained
that since Tom Payne took over, he has not asked you personally, or one other
Australian leader their opinion on any Australian matters, and that he
has talked
to you on several occasions in a demeaning and patronizing manner.
We also talked about the fact the
Australian Pastors Executive is mainly Americans and how it is offensive that
they put Daryl Elliott on there, who has never successfully pioneered/pastored
a church, or even made one disciple before being handed Footscray. Need I
Rob, If I am a rebel because of our conversations, then
why have you not confessed your sin and reported it to Tom Payne, and repented, and why have you continued to invite me back every year to do area
wide Men’s rallies and discipleships?!!
If discussing our concerns as two mature
adults is rebellion, then you also more than qualify and have no right to
come over here and call me one.
The fact is, how do you biblically gather two witnesses
against an elder without a discussion?
The Potters House has created such a culture that men
are in absolute fear of even having a discussion and being reported, and
ultimately being implicated in starting a rebellion.
I am so glad to be out of such a culture.
5/ To my other concerned friend
Steve Zapata
Steve, I cannot believe that you totally
misrepresented the tone of our conversation when you were here recently
preaching revivals for me, Robbie and Taufa.
You know that I did not call you and dump
on you as you seemed to imply.
We spoke off the record, as friends, at
your request. You requested a meeting with me, I called you
instead, asking why;
“Neil you are my friend, I am concerned
about you”.
You also failed to mention, that you complained of
your own issues with Tom Payne, stating that he yelled at people. You even shared your own experience with me, and my son Robbie,
about when Tom Payne screamed at you, and that you pushed back, telling him
“I don’t do screaming.” You even
said you called Greg Mitchell to report it.
You also failed to mention in your letter,
you telling me and my son Robbie, that you also stood up to Daryl Elliot, and called him a ‘w-ker’ (fill in the blanks) to his face, because he was
talking behind your back about your past moral failure as a missionary.
also forgot to mention your complaint to me, that
you only get invited to preach in Australia a couple of times a year now,
because the Australian fellowship after 40 years is so small and not growing.
Steve; to say that your revival in NZ was average,
would be an understatement.
Although I agree with your summary of the
Australian PH Scene, perhaps this is the real reason why you get so few
invitations in Australia.
6/ In Regards to my financial
It is another classic Potters House tactic
to throw out figures of thousands of dollars supposedly owing to the
fellowship, to sow mistrust into the people.
happened to, AS STATED IN YOUR PASTORS/ MISSIONARY CONTRACT (attached, and I quote) that, “all financial support, settlement moneys and
redirection expenses are simply an offering given?”
What the Potters House Beechboro
fail to declare is that our church in Auckland has paid back over $279,000
to the fellowship over the last 10 years just in the form of tithes and
Let it also be known that apart from
helping with an initial rent deposit for the Morningside building, (for which
we were grateful),
The Potters House Australia has not paid one cent
toward rent, renovations or costs to either Morningside, Mount Roskill or the
New Lynn Buildings. This was paid for by the tithes and offerings of this local
Also, the Beechboro church has not
bought one piece of equipment, or paid one cent towards planting or supporting our NZ pioneer churches to the
cost of $155,000. This has been completely paid for by this congregation.
Not to mention that this congregation has
also sponsored impact teams or paid for revivals to Tonga three times, Samoa
twice, Fiji three times, India twice, Geelong Australia and Vanuatu, to the
tune of thousands and thousands of dollars, and these are not even our churches
planted out of our church, they are ‘fellowship churches’. I think we have paid back way more
than our fair share of what we have received.
Yet the Potters House Beechboro own their
own building, investment properties, and have now purchased another building
that is twice the size of our New Lynn building just for their concert scene.
At the same time, their missionaries are on
minimum salaries, no superannuation, and no medical insurance, as I was for
many years!
I do not grudge the Beechboro church being blessed,
but how hypocritical and disgusting to now bring up the issue of money (given
as a gift) and my financial integrity as another way to destabilize our people and
smear my name!
Money doesn’t equal the hardship of
missionary work in a foreign nation, living in one of the most dangerous
countries in the world, away from family and loved ones.
And may I add, it’s not the ‘fellowships money’,
it is Gods money, given by Gods people, and in our case every cent is
accounted for, and has gone to, as it should, the spreading
of the gospel.
The result being souls saved, who again don’t belong to ‘the fellowship’ but to
If anyone has questions about our finances,
we have a church council (Mr. Dean Thompson and Mr. Mike Collier) who see our
monthly financial report sheet, and would be more than willing to answer any of
your questions, and can vouch for everything I have just said.
If you are really concerned, then ask the Potters
House Beechboro for a copy of the sheets, they get the report every month and
know exactly where every dollar has gone.
7/ To John Perry, Nigel Brown and
Tom Payne
You all seem to be very sure that I am now cursed,
my life is going to blow up, and that I am leading people to Hell, accusing me
of violating a covenant document I signed in 2015.
Again, as stated previously, I have no legal connection to, nor do I hold a current ordination card
with the Australian Potters House Inc. This expired in 2016
- that
document being the conflict resolution letter signed by Pastor Mitchell
dated March 26, 2010.
few things to note about the conflict resolution letter;
The conflict resolution letter gives ‘reference’ to Matthew 18:15-20, but conveniently
does not actually quote the text itself. It only gives Pastor Mitchell and Tom
Payne’s interpretation of it.
The text actually says,
Matthew 18:16 (NKJV)
16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'
16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'
meaning is obvious; I choose up to two people, and take them with me to the
Or, if
you want to argue doctrine, and disagree with the plain reading of the text, it at least implies that both parties would
be in agreement with who those two
witnesses would be.
is contrary to Greg Mitchells interpretation. I quote from his letter ‘in italics’ to me after my disassociation;
Greg Mitchell - “Matthew 18 doesn’t
say you get to pick who the witnesses are. We do not allow the person making a
complaint to determine who gets to hear it.”
This is
blatant error and twisting of scripture, and only highlights the controlling
nature that I have tried to raise!
2) The conflict resolution letter also conveniently
leaves out another most important scripture when dealing with issues such
as conflict between Pastors.
1 Timothy 5:19 (NKJV)
19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.
19 Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses.
stated in my original request for a meeting, I was bringing an accusation
against an elder.
It was
on this basis that I
then appealed to a ‘higher covenant document’ -The
scriptures themselves! – on which the conflict resolution letter is supposedly
It is
clear in their communication to me, that on
two occasions there was no intention of honouring the word of God
as they blatantly refused my request
for two witnesses.
Again, the question needs to be asked by everyone who reads this
Why were
they not willing to allow me a
second witness, and what are they
so afraid of?
Where is
the Christian spirit seeking to reconcile?!
3) May
I remind you again;
I requested the meeting!
Until my request for a fair Matt 18:16 & 1 Tim 5:19 meeting was
denied for the second time, it is
clear to all that I intended to go
to the meeting.
was only after it
was obvious that this meeting was no longer biblically founded, and
the bullying behaviour that I was trying to address in the meeting was becoming
clearly evident (and also evident to anyone with any discernment who has read
the letters);
was only then, that I no longer felt obligated to
attend, my confidence in this leadership structure was finally destroyed,
and I
received a clear word from God to disassociate myself, and the church, that God
has called me to protect.
32 years of faithfully serving this fellowship in 4
different nations, for the most part, on a minimum salary, my wife working to
supplement our income, no medical insurance, no superannuation, no ability to
save, 5 years living in one of the most dangerous countries in the world, your
treatment of me is disgraceful.
But, sadly, typical in the Potters House
I will attach the ‘Pastor/
Missionary contract’ that those who want to go into ministry under the Potters
House are forced to sign.
Note in this contract that there is no
commitment to protect the worker whatsoever, yet
they want you to agree to give your entire life for the fellowship. I
think anyone reading will see the deliberately one-sided and controlling nature
of this agreement, like all Potters House contracts and other extra biblical
(see attachment)
I did not break any covenant, you did!
4) Covenant
‘documents’ are extra biblical
Show me in the New Testament where this was
ever done?
No, the bible says,
Matthew 5:33-37 (NKJV)
33 "Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.'
34 But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God's throne;
35 nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
36 Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black.
37 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
33 "Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform your oaths to the Lord.'
34 But I say to you, do not swear at all: neither by heaven, for it is God's throne;
35 nor by the earth, for it is His footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King.
36 Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black.
37 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
8/ To my fellow Australian leaders
who will be meeting together this Thursday at Perth’s pre-conference leadership
I think it is about time you stopped
complaining behind the scenes about the abusive behaviour of Tom Payne and actually
became leaders for once. Sadly we (and I include myself) have done the Australian fellowship a
great disservice by sitting there year after year at leadership level, and
have held our tongues and not questioned the crazy extra biblical behaviour.
There are many of you who have very real
personal concerns about Tom Payne, the direction the fellowship is heading, and
have openly talked to me and others about it.
quote you;
“Tom Payne is a tare”
“He is a sociopath”
“when he calls me it’s like witchcraft”
“He lied to me”
In closing
I have tried to avoid this arena from the start by
only including those ‘directly involved’ in all emails.
It was Tom Payne and Greg Mitchell that
began to formulate emails, and encourage others to write emails for ‘public
consumption’, sending them to anyone, even uniformed
innocent single young people in my church, and other fellowship churches around
the world.
All I have tried to do is to leave a fellowship
that I have lost confidence in and protect those under my care.
I have tried to do it with the least amount
of disruption. I gave everyone a choice, did not stop anyone contacting and meeting
with Potters House Pastors to hear the other side. I did not to try and pull on
any pastors or churches.
I have only responded in defense, as I am
doing now, to those who personally have attacked me. I have attacked no one.
We own no property, we have no huge
saving accounts.
So, after all
your texts, all your calls and meetings, all the emails they have read thanks
to Tom Payne and Greg Mitchell, if the people
in my church have still decided to leave the fellowship, why don’t you give
them the credibility they deserve, of being able to weigh up the issues, and
make their own decisions. They are Gods people, not mine, and not
If you consider me now to be your enemy for trying to
address real concerns, and If you are unwilling to give me a fair and
scriptural meeting, then how about just being a Christian?
Luke 6:27-35 (NKJV)
27 "But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
28 bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.
29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
30 Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.
31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.
32 But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.
33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.
34 And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back.
35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.
27 "But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
28 bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.
29 To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either.
30 Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.
31 And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise.
32 But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.
33 And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same.
34 And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive back, what credit is that to you? For even sinners lend to sinners to receive as much back.
35 But love your enemies, do good, and lend, hoping for nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil.
Kind regards
Well done Neil! Finally someone who will call it as it is.
ReplyDeleteAs an outsider with no connection to the fellowship, I must disagree:
DeleteHe’ not “saying it as it is” because he doesn’t address the elephant in the room i.e.
Here’s why:
The NT teaches that the characteristics of a false teacher is amongst others; someone who imposes rules on others which they themselves don’t follow /or/ Lord’s it over people i.e. being manipulative and abusive.
A wise man once said:
“A Man who has arrived at a place where he no longer sees his own need to hear the Gospel is hearing a false one - and - A man who doesn’t realize that he needs the gospel more today than when he heard it the first time is hearing a false one”
The apostle Paul taught that the Gospel (the message that Christ died for sinners - not obedience to the law) is the power……for:
1. Our justification
2. Our Sanctification/Spiritual growth (from which obedience flows and which obviously doesn’t happen if we don’t regularly realize and confess our own need first and foremost)
3. Our Glorification
It is therefor interesting to note that he:
1. Accuses others of things he himself is guilty of and obviously blind to
2. Compares himself to others and points out their flaws throughout
3. Sings his own praises throughout
4. Doesnt realize or even imagine that although he served under these men for decades, he himself has become like them
Unless he hears the true Gospel afresh, I’m afraid he will perpetuate what he’s been taught i.e. That the Gospel may be reduced to a tool which you use to win people to your church but never applies to you. (You do this obviously to your own peril as is evidenced by this kind of strife splashed all over public forums for the world to see; having been given over to the consequences of your idolatry and being responsible for the name of Christ being blasphemed)
We pray that God will open eyes to see and ears to hear…………
So sad to read this article. So many broken destroyed lives over the years. The PH doctrine works fine for people so out of control and the strict discipline needed when first called into Gods kingdom. But as with physical growth we grow, mature and form our own relationship with God, who in his mercy and grace allows us to move on to new spiritual families to continue to grow in Him. My family have experienced similiar office chats with senior pastors demanding family seperation because a member has moved on spiritually. Thank God we were strong enough to resist these demands. After decades the spiritual abuse continues. Maybe our prayers should be for God to lift the scales from their eyes.
ReplyDeleteOur prayers for you and the saints in your assembly, Neil.
ReplyDeleteGo the rebels
ReplyDeleteWhen the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will raise a standard!
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