Thanks for your interest.

Thanks for your interest.

We have decided to retire this blog and no longer update it.

We still recommend to not attend any Potter's House Church 
as they are misleading Gods word. 

Some resources about this can be found here:

There also is a support community available for Ex Members on 

If you would like a copy of the documents and emails sent from 
Neil McCann and Greg Mitchel plus other content, 
then email us at

God Bless
The NZ Gate Team


  1. Why do you have to put this on the net? Why slander. Its not Godly and you know it. I will keep praying for you

  2. I happen to come across this and I used to attend The Potters House in Glasgow. I don't feel this is right to slander pastor Neil McCann as none of this sounds like his character. I have nothing but respect for him and his family. He is a man of God and a great pastor.


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