The Start

Breakfast in Perth 22 August 2017

Neil McCann <>
Mon, Sep 4, 2017, 10:50 AM

to Tom, Greg

Tom, just a follow-up to our breakfast discussion last week in Perth. The tone of the meeting was such that my integrity and motives were in question by you and Greg Mitchell in regards to four particular situations. 

The takeover of the Manakau church.

For your information the first suggestion that Manakau become a Roskill church began with Peter Staples not me. When asked by Peter who I thought could take it I suggested Rod Gibson. He called back and said they did not have the money and wanted to do something from NZ. I reluctantly suggested maybe Robbie could take it. Peter immediately replied 'that sounds like the best plan', and then he mentioned the idea of it becoming a Roskill church. This did not seem out of the question to me at the time, or that this would be something to get permission to do. It is a Newcastle church, not a Beechboro church, and Peter Staples and his pastor (Greg Farrell) were in agreement.

To put things in perspective. For the past 8 years I have been the boots on the ground working with Peter Staples through 4 pastoral changes in this church. The first change was a moral failure that I had to deal with on Peters behalf. I have supported this church with enumerable impact teams. I have helped them with $3800 in back rent under Pastor David Chungs leadership. Sent men to preach on several occasions when Pastor Chungs health was deteriorating and he couldnt preach. Several times in the past I have carried the Manakau contribution to international airfares so they could have revivals. I encouraged Peter to not close down the church after Dave Chung could no longer continue. I helped Pastor Geany find the building they now have (if it wasnt for me spending hours and hours checking out buildings with him he would now be in a terrible building) I am the guarantor for the building they now have. I carpeted the building for him, gave them 100 chairs at a loss of $3000 to us. Sent a team to build a stage and supplied all the furnishings that I had put in storage for one of our pioneers. It cost the Roskill church several thousand dollars to relocate Robbie that will not be recovered. I donated a brand new PA system worth $4000 to Manakau when Robbie took the church as the old system was in desperate need of an update. Add to this that the Roskill church has taken in the 3 previous Manakau pastors, not Newcastle. To imply that getting the Manakau tithe was part of my motive is absurd and insulting. The fact is churches are given over to the care of other churches all the time, especially when, as in this case, it seems more practical and when churches become indigenous, and all parties agree.

Pastor Sean Geany moving to Roskill

First of all I would like to remind you that on several occasions we discussed Seans marriage situation and that he was not coping well. When he told me he could no longer continue it came as no surprise to me. He asked if coming to Roskill was an option, I said its not out of the question, but suggested he consider Australia. The next thing I get a call from Mark Woods asking permission for Sean to relocate to Roskill. I said fine as long as it was ok with Tom Payne. Sean got back to me and said it had been cleared. What further needed to be said?

Richard Salanoa

You questioned my involvement in Richard Salanoa coming to NZ. I am still actually wondering what you were implying? I had Richard come earlier in the year and preach, he also preached for two pioneer churches. He shared a burden for Islanders. I in no way tried to manipulate the situation, did not ask him to come, did not ring Joe Campbell. The first I heard was during the week of Chandler conference when Richard rang and told me that he had asked Pastor Campbell if he would plant him in Auckland. Joe said he first had to ring and see if that was that ok with me. I said I had no problem with it, end of story. My question is, Greg Mitchell was right there in Chandler when Richard was announced, why didnt he ask Joe Campbell himself what the story was? When I asked you about this, you said that there are nuances between Prescott and Chandler and the way things are done, and I dont want wrong the influences coming into NZ? What does that Mean?

My isolating myself

I concede that I am not a ring all the time type of person. But to imply that I am isolating myself (and there is a cloud over me/ even comparing me with Greg Farrell) is not consistent with the facts. I have been to the last 6 July Prescott conferences, I have preached in Prescott twice. I Have rang Greg Mitchell and met with Greg at your suggestion several times when you could not give me answers. I have had you, Greg, Joe Campbell, Mark Aulson, Paul Stephans, Scott lamb, Nigel Brown, as well as the Australian leaders preach in Roskill and do conferences. I have you coming next month, Have Greg for conference in June.

In closing, just to restate what I said to you in Perth. I have been in the fellowship for 35 years, have been a pastor for 30 of those years, been a missionary on 3 occasions. I have stood with the fellowship during two splits in Australia, have stood against my own brother and am now doing my best to serve the many pioneers here in NZ, many of which are not even my guys. To be viewed in a suspicious manner in light of this is demeaning to say the least.


Neil McCann


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