
Showing posts from January, 2019

Tom Payne Is a Sociopath / Psychopath (Now that's some true words).

January 30, 2019 Dear Pastor Payne, This letter is per your request, to put into writing the things I have shared with you since December of 2018. Beginning around Dec 2017, I had several conversations with Neil McCann expressing ‘concerns’ he had with the Beechboro church and yourself. Most of these were on the phone, and one in person while he was in Perth. Here are some of the statements made by Neil that I remember: * More seasoned pastors are being overlooked in favor of younger pastors * Some older pastors won’t speak up against Pr Payne as they have nothing to fall back on if removed. * P Payne does not care about the Perth church, it’s just a stepping stone to the next church in the USA * Things will not last another 5 yrs / It’s all Greg Mitchell now / Pr Mitchell is hands off... * Pr Payne is a Sociopath / Psychopath * A lot of good people have left the Beechboro church (Pr Payne’s doing) * Why is Beechboro & Australia Fellowship not prospering like Tuc...

Greg Mitchell To Neil McCann Reply (Warning Contains A Lot Of Vitriolic Garbage)

Neil, I am saddened by your decision, but not surprised. You’ve been headed this way for some time now.  Your letter(s) were obviously not written to resolve anything, but rather for public consumption, and to give you justification for your intended course.  So, I will respond to the blatant dishonesty, false premises and faulty logic presented in your letters.  1. You state as the basis of why you wanted a meeting, and the reason you now choose to disassociate yourself that “Greg Mitchell and Tom Payne did not even give me the courtesy of a reply to my letter, Monday, Sep 4, 2017…”             a. I did not reply to your letter                           1. Because it wasn’t addressed to me – it was simply cc’d to me; I am cc’d on all kinds of letters – which people do simply to inform me and keep me in the loop. You are the first person in my 33 ye...

Greg Mitchell - Second Refusal and Added Members

Greg Mitchell Jan 28, 2019, 4:19 AM to Tom, me Neil, Due to the seriousness of the nature of our concerns, and the seriousness of the nature of your complaints, we have already asked Pastor Nigel Brown and Pastor Daryl Elliot to attend, as representatives of the Australian Pastor’s Executive. Those attending the meeting will be: Neil McCann, Tom Payne, Wayman Mitchell, Greg Mitchell, Nigel Brown, Daryl Elliot and Rob Walsh.

Greg Mitchell - First Refusal

Greg Mitchell Sat, Jan 26, 8:42 AM to me, Tom Neil, We received your letter requesting a meeting. At the time we received it, we were already making plans to fly to Auckland and meet with you, with Tom Payne present. You have concerns (as you stated in your letter), and we also have concerns about you. So, we feel it will be best to go ahead and come to Auckland and have a meeting. We trust this will be beneficial to be able to come to a resolution and healing. We will be meeting in Auckland Wednesday, February 13 at 10:00am at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland. As for your request for witnesses, we have communicated with Rob Walsh, and he has agreed to attend. Sincerely, Pastor Wayman Mitchell Pastor Greg Mitchell Prescott, AZ ___________________________________________ Neil McCann <> Sat, Jan 26, 2:31 PM to mitchell, Greg Hi Pastor Mitchell and Greg, Thank you for your response, I appreciate you agreeing to meet with me. With all due respect, un...

Neil McCann conflict resolution with Tom Payne

Neil McCann conflict resolution with Tom Payne Neil McCann <> Fri, Jan 18, 1:13 PM to mitchell  17 January 2019 Dear Ps Mitchell, I am writing to request a meeting during the week of the coming Perth March Conference to address concerns about the conduct of Ps Tom Payne in accordance with the conflict resolution letter. I have attached a letter (at the bottom of this email) that I sent to both Ps Payne and Greg Mitchell answering accusations that were made against me by Ps Payne in September 2017. I am offended by these accusations and the tone in which the meeting was conducted. I have tried to put this to rest, but to this day the letter has not been responded to either in writing or in person. I received no apology or clarification, and it was simply ignored. They did not even have the courtesy to acknowledge the letter, apart from a snide reference to it by Ps Payne during a discussion over another issue, (The Manukau church becoming a Central Church/ refer to attached ...