Tom Payne Is a Sociopath / Psychopath (Now that's some true words).
January 30, 2019 Dear Pastor Payne, This letter is per your request, to put into writing the things I have shared with you since December of 2018. Beginning around Dec 2017, I had several conversations with Neil McCann expressing ‘concerns’ he had with the Beechboro church and yourself. Most of these were on the phone, and one in person while he was in Perth. Here are some of the statements made by Neil that I remember: * More seasoned pastors are being overlooked in favor of younger pastors * Some older pastors won’t speak up against Pr Payne as they have nothing to fall back on if removed. * P Payne does not care about the Perth church, it’s just a stepping stone to the next church in the USA * Things will not last another 5 yrs / It’s all Greg Mitchell now / Pr Mitchell is hands off... * Pr Payne is a Sociopath / Psychopath * A lot of good people have left the Beechboro church (Pr Payne’s doing) * Why is Beechboro & Australia Fellowship not prospering like Tuc...