Greg Mitchell - First Refusal

Greg Mitchell

Sat, Jan 26, 8:42 AM

to me, Tom


We received your letter requesting a meeting. At the time we received it, we were already making plans to fly to Auckland and meet with you, with Tom Payne present. You have concerns (as you stated in your letter), and we also have concerns about you. So, we feel it will be best to go ahead and come to Auckland and have a meeting. We trust this will be beneficial to be able to come to a resolution and healing.

We will be meeting in Auckland Wednesday, February 13 at 10:00am at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Auckland.

As for your request for witnesses, we have communicated with Rob Walsh, and he has agreed to attend.


Pastor Wayman Mitchell
Pastor Greg Mitchell
Prescott, AZ


Neil McCann <>

Sat, Jan 26, 2:31 PM

to mitchell, Greg

Hi Pastor Mitchell and Greg,

Thank you for your response, I appreciate you agreeing to meet with me.

With all due respect, unfortunately because of the nature of my complaint as mentioned in my letter and Pastor Tom Payne's obviously close relationship with you both, I would again request according to Matthew 18, two witnesses of my choosing to be present, Pastor Rob Walsh and Pastor Peter Field.

Kind Regards,

Neil McCann


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