Neil McCann conflict resolution with Tom Payne

Neil McCann conflict resolution with Tom Payne

Neil McCann <>

Fri, Jan 18, 1:13 PM

to mitchell 

17 January 2019

Dear Ps Mitchell,

I am writing to request a meeting during the week of the coming Perth March Conference to address concerns about the conduct of Ps Tom Payne in accordance with the conflict resolution letter.

I have attached a letter (at the bottom of this email) that I sent to both Ps Payne and Greg Mitchell answering accusations that were made against me by Ps Payne in September 2017. I am offended by these accusations and the tone in which the meeting was conducted. I have tried to put this to rest, but to this day the letter has not been responded to either in writing or in person. I received no apology or clarification, and it was simply ignored. They did not even have the courtesy to acknowledge the letter, apart from a snide reference to it by Ps Payne during a discussion over another issue, (The Manukau church becoming a Central Church/ refer to attached letter) where I was yelled at and told by Ps Payne, “this is a kingdom, not a democracy, you are out of your league”. I now appeal to you.

During this meeting I would also like to discuss the following issues concerning Ps Payne and his conduct.

-His openly undermining Ps Harold Warner and the Tucson Church to me and others.

-His undermining of Ps Joe Campbell and the Chandler Church. (see attached letter)

-The ill sentiment and feeling of many others, including Australian Pastors and Australian Leadership Pastors, over the abusive and bullying behaviour of Ps Payne. Ps Payne has deliberately created a culture of fear and intimidation. He constantly name drops Prescott, Ps Mitchell and Greg Mitchell to create the perception that to challenge him would be to come against all of you and be considered an act of rebellion.

-A letter sent to Ps Payne, yourself, Greg Mitchell, a Perth church council member and myself by Carlo Rokobuta (former worship leader in the Beechboro Church for seven years, and my son in law) addressing his concerns about Ps Paynes heavy handed leadership of the Beechboro church and the culture of fear.

-My discussions with Jamie Harries (a long-term member of the Perth congregation and friend of over 35 years) who obtained a copy of the letter from Carlo at his own request, and then rang me to say that he was in full agreement with Carlos letter, calling it “a well written, weighty and true account” of the atmosphere in the Perth Church. Jamie also raised other personal concerns and observations about the conduct of Ps Payne. I am aware of the fact that Jamie has since gone to Ps Payne and is now calling our discussions rebellion. I completely deny any such charge and challenge his 'new' version of events since talking to Ps Payne.

I feel I have tried to deal with the issues biblically by putting my grievances in writing to Tom Payne and Greg Mitchell, and because they have been ignored, and in light of the other issues I have raised, I would like to have present at this meeting two witnesses according to Matt 18.

Matthew 18:15-16 (NKJV)
15 "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.
16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'

The two witnesses I am requesting to be present to hear us out are two reputable Australian leaders, Ps Peter Field and Ps Rob Walsh.

In closing I want to confirm my commitment to the Australian fellowship and submission to your headship and my desire to simply be able to pastor my church, continue serving the NZ churches, and keep having revival.

Yours Sincerely,

Neil McCann

Auckland New Zealand


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