Email from Neil McCann | Subject: Disassociation

From: Neil McCann <maccanumber9@...>
Date: Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 11:35 PM
Subject: Disassociation
To: <mitchell@...>, Greg Mitchell <gsm@...>, Tom Payne <tpaynenm@...>, Rob Walsh <robwalsh59@...>, Peter Field <field.peter01@...>, Nigel Brown <nigeljdbrown@...>, <delliot7@...>
Cc: Harold Warner <pstwarner3@...>, JOE CAMPBELL <campbellcfc@...>

03 Feb 2019
Auckland NZ

To all concerned.

In light of the following.

Greg Mitchell and Tom Payne did not even give me the courtesy of a reply to my letter, Monday, Sep 4, 2017, addressing the issue of my character and my testimony of 32 years of ministry being brought into question. Both men have preached for me since the letter was sent and both men did not even bring up the letter. (Attached)

I asked for a meeting to clear up the above matter, as well as concerns about the bullying, intimidating and divisive behaviour of Tom Payne. With that request I stipulated that I wanted two witnesses of my choosing be present according to Matthew 18:15-16 and 1 Timothy 5:19. Those witness being Ps Rob Walsh and Ps Peter Field. Since then Greg Mitchell and Pastor Wayman Mitchell have twice now refused my request for a second witness of my choosing to be present. (Attached)

You have now added Nigel Brown and Daryl Elliot to the list of those to be present at the meeting with you (Greg Mitchell), Ps Mitchell, Tom Payne and Ps Rob Walsh. (while refusing my request for one more witness)

Therefore, because of the nature of my issues, your refusal to allow me two witnesses of my choosing, the obvious and well publicized closeness of the relationships between Greg Mitchell, Ps Wayman Mitchell, Tom Payne, and Daryl Elliot, I unfortunately cannot see how this could possibly be a fair and unbiased hearing, or that reconciliation and healing is the intention.

In consideration of all the above, I must inform you that I will not be attending your meeting on 13th Feb in Auckland. I have totally lost all confidence and trust in the present leadership, and have now decided to disassociate myself and the Auckland Central church from the Potters House Fellowship of Australia completely.

I have met with my church council, as well as our congregation, and they are overwhelmingly in complete agreement with this decision. I have also made it clear that those who do not wish to disassociate themselves may freely join any other Potters House Church of their choosing.

The pastors and churches that have been planted out of Central have also been given the choice to stay with the Potters House or disassociate. All have chosen to resign, disassociate and come into the mother church for redirection.

Ps Robbie McCann has informed me he intends to resign as Pastor of the Manukau Potters House and come back to the Central Church. It will be up to Ps Peter Staples to find another Pastor to take the church.

Neil McCann

Auckland NZ


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