Latest Email | Re. Disassociation

Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 1:05 AM

Subject: Fwd: Disassociation

FYI, I have become aware that many people, Pastors and people in congregations, are receiving emails from Tom Payne and Greg Mitchell without including my original emails. (my emails by the way were addressed to only to those directly involved) It seems that the accusation of writing letters "for public consumption" should actually be applied to Greg Mitchell and Tom Payne.

Anyway, since it has all been made "public" I will respond just to bring some clarification and another side of the story.

Attached are my original emails seeking a meeting and reconciliation, as well as a couple of other relevant letters.

I also want to point out the following about Greg Mitchell and Tom Paynes emails.

- lets be clear. I initiated the meeting, and I had every intention of attending until it became obvious it was no longer about healing and reconciliation.

- Greg Mitchell's email arguing over interpretation of two witnesses is simply nothing more than smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that they simply did not want another witness present. My question is, why are they so afraid of having one more person in the room? (who by the way is a respected Australian leader) And if you wanted to reassure me you were genuinely seeking healing and reconciliation, why deny me another person and then add two more witnesses of your choice. What do they have to fear?

- The claim by Greg Mitchell that he did not respond to my email because it was CC'd to him is a very weak attempt to deny his responsibility in not responding to the serious matters that had been raised, that any true leader would want to address. Not to mention the letter clearly implicated him in my complaints.

- While Jamie Harries has now repented of 'talking' about Tom Payne, he has never denied that he was in full agreement with Carlos letter at the time, or that he had his own real issues with Tom Paynes bullying and intimidating leadership. In fact he only confirms it.This was a two way conversation by two adults who could see the same issues. Also, the fact that Jamie has been used by Tom Payne and his name has been made public, shows you this mans heart. He does not care that Jamie will now lose the respect and friendship of many mutual friends in the Beechboro church who love me, Carlo and Courtney. I hold no grudge against Jamie as I know how manipulative this man is.

- Greg Mitchell says we have known each other since we were teenagers, implying that he rejoiced over my success, but "has been grieved by the incredible pride I have exhibited in recent years". If my pride is so obvious, why is it not obvious to all the other leaders from around the fellowship who have come to preach for me, or the ones that I have served in NZ for the last 10 years, or the four leaders that have booked me to preach in four different conferences this year as well as area discipleships, rallies, marriage retreats and revivals? I am also again on the current preaching schedule at Perth conference. You say you are my friend, why did you not respond to my 'CC'd' letter? You were with me only as recent as six months ago preaching the NZ conference and spent nearly a week with me and said nothing? If you could see these things in me why did you not correct me and help me? Anything would have been better than just silence. "Faithful are the wounds of a FRIEND"

- In closing, Rob Walsh and Daryl Elliott are now telling everyone that I stole the church, and that I forced my pioneer churches to close down and come back. This blatantly untrue. I gave all the pioneer pastors the option of staying with the fellowship, or staying out under me. They wanted to come back in support. When I talked to my church council about resigning they asked me to stay. When I met with my congregation I clearly told them that I was leaving and that they had the option of staying with the fellowship. I was sincere and told them that I would not mark them and that I would only wish them all all the best. I have not tried to pull any pastor out of the fellowship.

Neil McCann


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