Tom Paynes letter to Neil McCann


I am saddened by your letter of Disassociation from the Fellowship and feel a need to respond:

1) The Sept 4, 2017 letter you wrote to me and copied to Greg Mitchell, was indeed addressed and responded to by me.

A. I tried to call you right away, and finally emailed you the same day. I told you to feel free to discuss the matter with Pr Mitchell in Footscray, as you were going to be there with him for the Conference two days later. While at lunch with Pastor Mitchell in Footscray, you did bring up one of the issues in the letter and he answered you.

B. My notes and phone records show that I had a 30 minute conversation with you on Sept 7, 2017 (3 days after your letter). I went over each point with you, and further answered and explained the issues. I thought the matter was resolved.

C. Four weeks later I was in Auckland with you for 3 days. You never brought this up again, but for good measure I asked to have coffee with you at the hotel lobby before I went to the airport. During this discussion these matters were brought up again, as well as some others.

Since then we have spent time together at Leadership, Perth Conference, as well as on the phone discussing other issues. It is a great surprise to me, for you to now bring this up as an unresolved grievience.

2) The more pressing concern Myself, Pastor Mitchell, and Pastor Greg Mitchell have, is the revelation that for at least 12 months you have been speaking rebellion and discord into the Beechboro Congregation.

A. Please find attached a letter from Beechboro Church member Jamie Harries recounting conversations he had with you over the past year.

B. Since your daughter Courtney and her husband Carlo Rokobuta decided to leave the Beechboro Church and the Fellowship in Nov 2018, a number of ladies in the church here have come forward and divulged that for 2-3 years Courtney had been speaking critically of me and the Fellowship, even quoting you!

3) Your claim that I undermined Harold Warner and Joe Campbell is unsubstantiated and false. I have a healthy working relationship / friendship with both men, and have spoken to both men openly concerning this, and there is no offense between us. This is simply more sowing of discord on your part.

I find your actions both reprehensible and unscriptural. A meeting had been set up to address all these concerns, and yet you have opted instead to attack Leadership, and then take a course that in the past has historically caused many people much damage and grief.


Tom Payne


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